Undercover Agent
0421 301 040
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Agents In Your Area
 Find & Compare Top Real Estate Agents In Your Area 
* Fully Licensed Expert Support
* We Secret Shop For You!
* Unbiased Agent Selection
* FREE Service!! 7 Days A Week
0421 301 040
The Critical First Step
Selling your home is most likely the biggest financial decision of your life and getting it right starts with the right agent.

Take out the risk by letting us secret shop the top agents for you, we then protect you throughout your campaign and keep the agent accountable.

Understanding your likely value BEFORE speaking to an agent is critical. That is why we provide you with a Free Personal Report (valued at $43) as the first step towards your selling success.

Don't risk underselling your home.
Free Service, no obligations!
How It Works
The most in depth background research and support available
when selling your home, and it's FREE!
Step One

You answer a few simple questions so we can get started immediately to find the best agent for you.

It is important you have a ballpark figure of what your property is worth. Not knowing this can put you at a disadvantage.

To get you started we send you a Free Personal Report (valued at $43) which includes information on your property and local market information.
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Step Two

Research > Background Check > Recommend

We background check, secret shop and find the best three agents for you. Our criteria is that they are not only high performing agents, but ones that will work with you for your needs giving honest and frequent feedback during the campaign for a successful sale.

This process is real people doing real research, calling and emailing agents and their teams to see who is the real deal. As professionals that know what to look for this is too important to be left to algorithms, friends opinions or just choosing an agent you like or sold in your area recently. Whilst those things can be good, you want it backed up by the Undercover Agent system.

There is no biased and we operate on an invitation only model. Your property is unique and you will be selling at a time where the right from agent 2 years ago may not be the same today.
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Step Three
With our support, training and guidance you interview the agents and select your preferred agent to move forward with for the sale.

We provide the agents you wish to speak to with a profile and accountability survey. We want to make sure that they understand your property, your needs and that promises made now are promises kept with the agent you move forward with.

After the agents appraise your property, we will report back to you with an apples to apples comparison to form a basis to move to the interview stage.

Unlike going direct to an agent where you may be subject to pressure tactics to sign up, We protect you by having the agents follow a structured process to give you the time and space to make an informed decision.

We give you interview questions to ask (that are important to your selection but you would never have thought of) as well as protect you by checking the authority before you sign and ensuring clauses favour your interests.
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Step Four
Your chosen agent communicates with us on a weekly basis or more where required so that you have a third party professional keeping an eye on the sale for you.

We have done this hundreds of times so we make sure the marketing is working and if changes need to be made work with yourself and your agent to get the campaign heading in the right direction.

Our support is 7 days a week, so when you need to chat through an offer or are unsure of anything, we are just a call away.

We are with you every step of the way to take away the stress and support you on this selling journey.
How It Works
The most in depth background research and support available when selling your home, and it's FREE!
Step One

You answer a few simple questions so we can get started immediately to find the best agent for you.

It is important you have a ballpark figure of what your property is worth. Not knowing this can put you at a disadvantage.

To get you started we send you a Free Personal Report (valued at $43) which includes information on your property and local market information.
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Step Two

Research > Background Check > Recommend

We background check, secret shop and find the best three agents for you. Our criteria is that they are not only high performing agents, but ones that will work with you for your needs giving honest and frequent feedback during the campaign for a successful sale.

This process is real people doing real research, calling and emailing agents and their teams to see who is the real deal. As professionals that know what to look for this is too important to be left to algorithms, friends opinions or just choosing an agent you like or sold in your area recently. Whilst those things can be good, you want it backed up by the Undercover Agent system.

There is no biased and we operate on an invitation only model. Your property is unique and you will be selling at a time where the right from agent 2 years ago may not be the same today.
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Step Three
With our support, training and guidance you interview the agents and select your preferred agent to move forward with for the sale.

We provide the agents you wish to speak to with a profile and accountability survey. We want to make sure that they understand your property, your needs and that promises made now are promises kept with the agent you move forward with.

After the agents appraise your property, we will report back to you with an apples to apples comparison to form a basis to move to the interview stage.

Unlike going direct to an agent where you may be subject to pressure tactics to sign up, We protect you by having the agents follow a structured process to give you the time and space to make an informed decision.

We give you interview questions to ask (that are important to your selection but you would never have thought of) as well as protect you by checking the authority before you sign and ensuring clauses favour your interests.
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Step Four
Your chosen agent communicates with us on a weekly basis or more where required so that you have a third party professional keeping an eye on the sale for you.

We have done this hundreds of times so we make sure the marketing is working and if changes need to be made work with yourself and your agent to get the campaign heading in the right direction.

Our support is 7 days a week, so when you need to chat through an offer or are unsure of anything, we are just a call away.

We are with you every step of the way to take away the stress and support you on this selling journey.
From First Time Sellers, To Experienced Investors
see for yourself...
The Difference In Selling With & Without Undercover Agent
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   I sold a property 2 years ago and had a good experience with the agent but this time after consulting with Chris engaged him to help sell my most recent home. After background checks and thorough research the agent he selected got an amazing result within 3 weeks in a tough market.
I believe engaging Chris helped me achieve at least $15,000 more for the property. The only downfall is it highlighted how much I may have undersold the last property for! Thanks again, I'm convinced every sale needs an undercover agent.   
Andrew Surrao
- Brighton East VIC

Selling An Interstate Investment Property
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We were was selling an investment property in Tasmania and managing this from Melbourne and not understanding how agents work or being able to meet them in person was a challenge. Chris' processes and communication with us and the agent was key to a successful sale. Thanks again
Gary & Jules
- Chelsea VIC
Learning How To Deal With Agents For A Better Result
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Our preferred agent was trying to convince us that having a bonus built into the commission structure would motivate him to get the best price. Thanks to your advice we were able to see that this commission structure could have cost us more than $10,000. Showing us how to deal with the agent was invaluable as it gave us confidence and protected us against many things we didn't know. 
Andrew & Lesley
- Bayswater VIC

Moving From 'Lost' To Having A Clear Action Plan 
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I really didn't know how to go about selecting an agent but Chris was able to provide an enormous amount of information about how to go about the process and many many tips that I believe will help save me many thousands of dollars in the sale of my house.
- Blackburn VIC

Undercover Agent Is The Secret To Your Property Sales Success
It's the difference between properties that sell for the maximum price and those that fall short by tens of thousands (without the vendor even knowing)
Undercover Agent
  •  Stress/Pressure
  • Risk Of Underselling
  • No Support 
  • You don't know what you don't know
  • At the mercy of biased advice
Undercover Agent
  • Contract Checks
  •  Price Protection
  • Full Support
  • 17+ Years & hundreds of properties experience 
  • Independent advice, your interest top of mind

Chris Bellesini
PO Box 2023
Forest Hill 3131
0421 301 040
